Agriculture, Minerals, and Water Laboratory
Serves customers by providing analytical test results for: the physical separation of minerals, soil analysis for agriculture, and water chemistry for a variety of Industries
Our qualified Chemical Engineers and Technicians are experienced in water chemistry and purification solutions, filtration, microscopy evaluation, mechanical testing of paramagnetic and ferrous metals, physical separation of minerals, and the filtration of impurities.
Not all mineral deposits and soils are homogeneous. Since every customer has a unique situation - water conditions in one City may be different from another, soil conditions can vary, mineral deposits are not all the same - testing is the best guide to a solution.
Laboratory Investigations: Agriculture, Minerals, Water
Soil Samples
Water Testing
Mineral Beneficiation
Concentrated Product Optimization
Consulting and Field Services
Independent assays available
NobleMEIR’s lab equipment includes:
High Gradient Magnetic Separator (up to 50000 Gauss) · Spiral concentrators
Rare Earth Roll Magnetic Separator · Shaker Table
Electromagnet Separator · Electrostatic separation
Floatation and sink/float
*Samples sent to NobleMEIR are kept secure from contamination, and all results/reports are strictly confidential. We can supply shipping friendly sample containers for slurry and water samples.
Some common minerals, grains, recyclables which require classifying, cleaning, purifying, by means of physical separation:
Bauxite Corn Gold Ilmenite Kaolin Lithium Oats
Platinum Plastics Quartz Rutile Silica Tin Zircon
Physical separation testing for mineral recovery is crucial to help ensure the optimum results. Testing allows product qualities to be assessed, tonnage rates determined, flowsheets generated and ultimately, engineering and costing to be done on projects. For example, NobleMEIR’s mineral separation laboratory provides the full gamut of testing and flowsheet requirements for clients, as well as simple magnetic configuration tests.
A final design is most often determined by either or all: client-specific separation requirements for mining and recycling, soil requirements for agriculture, water purity for food and beverage requirements. When combined with the results of our(a) test work facility this early collaboration between client and technology provider helps to ensure the desired or realistic performance results achievable.
Click picture below for sampling and testing equipment